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M.Sc. In Air Transport Management Program  › Courses  › Airline Marketing (Spring 2014-2015)
Airline Marketing (Spring 2014-2015)
Course Instructors

Instructors for the Airline Marketing course are Dr. Hugh Wilson, Dr. Keith Mason, and Dr. Emma K. MacDonald, both from Cranfield University. Their bio can be seen below:

Dr. Hugh Wilson
Dr. Keith Mason
Dr. Emma K. MacDonald

Course Intent

To provide students with an understanding of the key marketing concepts, and develop their ability to apply these concepts to the airline industry

Course Format

36 hours of face-to-face instruction 
6 days, each with six one-hour units

Teaching Level

This course is a course in master's degree.
  • Students should have a basic knowledge of marketing practice, such as product design, pricing, promotion and distribution, but the course will extend knowledge of each of these areas substantially, and add other important contemporary marketing topics.
  • Students should have a basic knowledge of the aviation industry and must have a work experience with an airline company.
Course Syllabus

Overview of marketing as a concept and as a function
Consumer behaviour and experience
Customer value and market segmentation
Multichannel strategies
Airline branding and promotion
Pricing and revenue management
Building customer loyalty
Product innovation
Social media challenges and opportunities
Customer centric organisation design

Course Timetable

The timetable for the course can be reached via this link.

Course Textbook

Students are recommended to obtain the following core textbook, which is co-authored by Professor Hugh Wilson. While all of the sessions include material from new research which is not yet in any books (hence some of the additional reading materials), this book covers most of the fundamentals on the course.
  • McDonald, Malcolm & Wilson, Hugh (2011). Marketing Plans: how to prepare them, how to use them, 7ed. Wiley, Chichester, UK.
A more detailed examination of multichannel marketing issues is provided by the following book, also co-authored by Prof Hugh Wilson:
  • Wilson, Hugh, Rod Street and Lindsay Bruce (2008), "The multichannel challenge: Integrating customer experiences for profit", Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford, UK.

Lecture Notes

Main Lecture Notes
Module 01 Introduction to Marketing
Module 02 Understanding Customer Experience and Value
Module 03 Value-based Customer Segmentation
Module 04 Marketing Plans
Module 05 Marketing Plans
Module 06 Consumer Insight and Metrics
Module 07 Multichannel Strategy
Module 08 Consumer Behaviour and Market Segmentation
Module 09 Multi-channel Strategy - Airline Distribution
Module 10 Airline Branding
Module 11 Airline Pricing and Revenue Management
Module 12 Airline Promotion and Marketing Communications
Module 13 Social Media & Viral Marketing
Module 14 Customer Led Innovation
Module 15 Airline Customer Loyalty
Module 16 The Product of the Future
Module 17 Loyalty in Multichannel Environment
Module 18 Creating a Customer Centric Organization

Additional Reading Materials

Reading materials can be seen in the table below:

Additional Reading Materials
For Day 2 Better Customer Insight
For Day 2 A New Framework for Assessing Customer Value of Complex Solutions
For Day 5 Why Your Customer's Social Identities Matter
For Day 6 A Stage for Multichannel CRM

Group Study

Posters that will be used during the group study can be seen below:

  Day 1 & 2
  Day 3 & 4
  Day 5 & 6

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