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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the tuition fee for M.Sc. Program in Air Transport Management?

  • Where can I stay in Turkey?

  • Is accommodation in Turkey expensive?

  • S: What is the tuition fee for M.Sc. Program in Air Transport Management?
    C: The tutition fee for M.Sc. Program in Air Transport Management is XXX TL (XXX $, XXX €).

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    S: Where can I stay in Turkey?
    C: With its Metro network, transportation to Istanbul Technical University is easy. Popular destinations to stay are: Mecidiyekoy, Sisli, Taksim, Sarıyer.

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    S: Is accommodation in Turkey expensive?
    C: Prices for renting a house starts from 650 TL (appr. 325$, 225€). There are dorms for long term staying, which starts from 400 TL (200$, 150€).