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M.Sc. In Air Transport Management Program  › Courses  › Air Law, Regulations and Compliance Management (2015 Spring)
Air Law, Regulations and Compliance Management (2015 Spring)
Course Instructors

The course instructors include Prof.Dr. Paul Stephen Dempsey, Prof.Dr. Ludwig Weber, and Mrs. Kate Markhvida, and Mr. David Kuan-Wei Chen.

Prof.Dr. Paul Stephen Dempsey
Prof.Dr. Ludwig Weber
Mrs. Kate Markhvida
Mr. David Kuan-Wei Chen

Course Intent

This course seeks to introduce students to various issues surrounding the law and regulation of aviation and the airline business following the deregulation and liberalisation of the aviation market. It begins by examining relevant principles and rules of international law that affect the use of air space before turning attention to the national and international regulation of economic, safety, security, and environmental, matters in air transport. The liability regime governing air carriers and manufacturers are discussed, as are issues of concern to the airline business, such as competition, mergers and acquisitions, airline alliances, aircraft finance and consumer protection.

Course Format

Lecture-based course.
6 days of instruction, 36 hours of instruction.
36 modules in total

Course Assessment

In Class - Group Presentations: 30% of overall grade
  • Group Presentations from the "Jumbo-Heavy Case Study"
Individual Final Exam: 70% of overall grade
  • 2 hour exam with multiple choice and short answer questions combining material from the entire course
Each component of a student's grade in this course will be assigned as a percentage grade (ranging from 0% to 100%). The final grade for the course will be calculated by multiplying each grade by the weight in the grading system described above.

Course Schedule

Course schedule can be seen from this link.

Lecture Notes

Lecture notes can be seen at the table below:

Lecture Notes  
Module 01 Contemporary Issues in Aviation - Airline Financial Woes
Contemporary Issues in Aviation - Challenges of the 21st Century
Contemporary Issues in Aviation - History of Aviation
Module 02 Conventional and Customary International Aviation Law
Module 03 Conflict Between National and International Aviation Safety Standards
Module 04 Origins of International Law Making - Chicago Convention
Module 05-06 Environmental Protection
Module 07-08 Aviation Safety Regulations
Module 09 Aviation Security
Module 10 International Air Carrier Liability
Module 11 Liability for Surface Damage
The Law of Products Liability
Module 12 Air Carrier Liability for Air Freight
Module 13 Manufacturers' Liability
Module 14 Aircraft Finance
Module 15 Registration of Aircraft Security Interests
Module 16-17 Consumer Protection
Module 18 Reserved for Case Study
Module 19 Licensing and Economic Regulation of Airlines
Module 20 Foreign Ownership & Cabotage
Nationality Requirements and Cabotage Restrictions
Module 21 Airline Competition Law
Module 22 Mergers and Acquisitions
Module 23 Airline Alliances
Module 24 Air Traffic Rights
Module 25 Predatory Practices and Collusion
Module 26 Liberalisation and Open Skies I
Module 27 Liberalisation and Open Skies II
Module 28 Contract Law I
Module 29 Contract Law II
Module 30 Reserved for Case Study
Module 31-32 Air Navigation
Airport Landing Slots
Airport Privatization

Course Readings

Course readings can be seen at the table below:

Course Readings  
Module 01 Introduction to Contemporary Issues in Aviation
Module 02 International Conventional and Customary Law
Module 02-03 The Chicago Convention
Module 02-04 Chicago Convention 1944
Module 04 Chicago Convention Annex 2
Module 05-06 Environmental Protection
Module 05-06 How ICAO Failed to Tackle Aviation and Climate Change
Module 07-08 Aviation Safety
Module 09 Beijing Protocol
Module 09 Beijing Convention
Module 09 CASP-AP Draft Regulations Aviation Security
Module 09 Chicago Convention Annex 17
Module 09 Convention Offences and Acts on Board Aircraft
Module 09 Convention on the Marking of Plastic Explosives
Module 09 Convention Suppression of Unlawful Acts
Module 09 Convention Unlawful Acts of Violence at Airports 1971
Module 09 Convention Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft 1970
Module 10-11 Rome Convention 1952
Module 10-12 Montreal Convention 1999
Module 10-12 Warsaw Convention
Module 12 Air Cargo Liability
Module 13 Manufacturers' Liability
Module 13 Restatement of Torts 2nd
Module 13 Restatement of Torts 3rd
Module 14-15 Aircraft Finance and Registration of Security Interests
Module 15 Geneva Convention 1948
Module 15 Cape Town Convention 2001
Module 15 CTC Aircraft Protocol Ratification 2001
Module 15 CTC Aircraft Protocol 2001
Module 16-17 Consumer Protection Laws
Module 19-20-24 Licensing and Economic Regulation of Airlines, Traffic Rights and ATAs
Module 19-20 Licensing and Economic Regulation of Airlines
Module 21 Airline Competition Law
Module 22-23 Airline Mergers and Alliances
Module 23 2009 US DOJ Comments on BA-AA Alliance
Module 23 2010 EC Comments on BA-AA Alliance
Module 23 2011 EC Response to Virgin's Objections
Module 23 1998 US DOJ Comments on the BA-AA Alliance
Module 24 Traffic Rights and Bilateral Air Transport Agreements
Module 25 Predatory Pricing
Module 26 EU Agreement 2007
Module 26 US Canada Open Skies Agreement Review
Module 26 US Department State Open Skies Partnership
Module 26 US-EU Agreement 2010
Module 27 LACAC Multilateral
Module 27 MALIAT
Module 28 Air Charter General Conditions
Module 28 Aircraft Leases
Module 28 Aircraft Purchase Contract
Module 28 Conditions of Contracts & Carriage
Module 28 IATA Conditions of Carriage
Module 28 IATA Conditions of Contract and Other Important Notices
Module 28 Types of Aircraft Lease
Module 28 Used Aircraft Purchase Contract
Module 29 Aircraft Maintenance Contracts
Module 29 MITA and Other Airline Contracts
Module 29 Standard Ground Handling Agreement
Module 31-32 Air Navigation Service Provider
Module 31-32 Airports

Case Study and Assignments

Case study and group assignment can be seen in the table below:

Case Study  
  Jumbo-Heavy Case Study
  Group Assignment