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M.Sc. In Air Transport Management Program  › Courses  › Airport Planning and Management (2015-2016)
Airport Planning and Management (2015-2016)
Course Instructors

The instructors for the Airport Planning and Management course include Prof. Dr. Amedeo Odoni, Prof. Dr. Richard de Neufville, and Dr. Joe Sulmona. Their bio can be reached from the links below:

Prof. Dr. Amedeo Odoni
Prof. Dr. Richard de Neufville
Dr. Joe Sulmona

Course Intent

Airports provide the major infrastructure used in the provision of commercial airline services. The facilities at an airport determine what types of aircraft an airline can operate. Airports are usually the largest single pieces of real estate in their urban region and they have many impacts on their communities. They also often require huge investments of funds and resources. Thus airport planning is important not only for the airport, but also for their airline customers and the communities they serve. While in the past, airports were thought of as government public utilities, today all airports are operated as businesses, with an increasing number of these businesses being private sector companies. This course is intended to give aviation managers an understanding of key aspects of airport planning and of how airports are operated and managed as economic entities.

Course Format
  • This course is taught over 6 consecutive days, each with 6 hours of classes. Modules will have 15 minute breaks.
  • Course language is English.
  • Teaching level:
    • This course is a course in a masters' degree program.
    • Students are assumed to have basic knowledge of the aviation industry and most have work experience with an airline, airport or other aviation related business.
    • The course will be taken after completion of the core of the Master's program.
Course Evaluation
  • Students will be graded on a combination of an exam, a project and class participation.

Course Information and Outline

Information and outline of the course can be reached from this link.

Course Textbooks

A list of references accompanies course modules. The principal textbook is:
  • de Neufville, R. and A. Odoni, Airport Systems: Planning Design and Management, 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill Education, 2013
Lecture Notes

Lecture notes can be reached from the table below:

Main Lecture Notes  
Module 01 Introduction - State of Industry
Module 02 Airports in the 21st Century
Module 03 Growing Size and Complexity
Module 04 Demand Patterns; Geometric Design of Airfield
Module 05 Airport Operations
Module 06 Uncertainty in Airport Planning
Module 07 Airport Forecasting
Module 08 Changing Airline Industry
Module 09 The Airline - Airport Relationship
Module 10 Governance, Privatization and Impacts
Module 11 Airside Capacity Management
Module 12 Airside and Landside Congestion
Module 13 Slots and Demand Management
Module 14 Airport Environment
Module 15 Passenger Building Concept
Module 16 Capacity of Airport Passenger Buildings
Module 17 Passenger Building Design
Module 18 Airport Master Plan
Module 19 Airport Security and Facilitation
Module 20 Airport Economics and User Charges
Module 21 Financing Airport Development
Module 22 Airport Marketing
Module 23 Strategic Planning
Module 24 Multi-Airport Systems
Module 25 Ground Access and Distribution
Module 26 Airport Commercial Development

Course Readings

Reading materials for the course can be seen at the table below.

Course Readings  
Module 05 Airport Operations
Module 14 Airport Environment
Module 18 Airport Master Plans
Module 19 Airport Facilitation
Module 22 Airport Marketing - Air Service Development
Module 22 Airport Marketing - Role of Airport Marketing
Module 26 Airport Commercial Management