Aviation Economics and Financial Analysis (2015-2016) |
Course Instructors
The instructors for the course are Dr. David Gillen and Dr. Tuba Toru Delibasi. Their bio can be seen in the links below:
Dr. David Gillen
Dr. Tuba Toru Delibasi
Course Intent
This course will provide background in the micro and macro economics of the airline industry as well as cover the essentials of key topics in airline finance. The course concludes with an examination of airport economics.
The micro-economics will cover the basics of supply and demand. It will cover the differences in the economics of various carrier business models (full service network carriers, low cost carriers, ultra low cost carriers and charter operations. It will look at airline strategy models and tools to assess competitive advantage. It will discuss airline alliances and families, including co-owned major carriers (e.g., Lufthansa-Swiss-Austrian) and feeder carriers. With the emergence of carrier families and alliances, it is increasingly important to understand how competition authorities review proposed acquisitions and alliances. Airline strategies will be discussed including Porter’s five forces model and students will develop a literacy in game theory and how to apply it to airline management and strategy development.
The macro-economics will cover points that are of considerable significance for a global airline where ‘macro literacy is important’. This includes macroeconomic variables and measurement, money, inflation and monetary and interest rate policy, the drivers of exchange rates, business cycles and managing the airline and the importance of productivity growth.
Airline finance will cover the basic sources of funds for carriers, financial planning and financial analysis. We will cover airline cost classification, investment appraisal and risk management. Risk analysis to assess liquidity, profitability and solvency are also examined.
Course Evaluation
- In class assignments – Day 3 & 4 (20%)-these will be handed in by groups not individually.
- Case analysis – completed by each group, due December 5th – 30%
- Final Exam – to be written after the course is completed – 40%
- Class Participation: 10%
Class participation grades are based upon the instructor’s assessment of a student’s contribution to class discussion, preparation for class, intelligent discussion and positive engagement with others in the class.
Course Outline
You can see the course outline from here.
Lecture Notes
These are the lecture notes for the course.
Course Readings
These are the reading materials for the course.
Case Study and Assignments
You can see the assignments in the table below:
You can reach the answer to the Assignment 2 from this link.
Case study will be delivered at December, 5th, 17:00. No extension allowed. You can see the case study below:
Previous Exams
You can reach last year's exam from this link.
