Network, Fleet and Schedule Strategic Planning |
Course Instructors
The course instructors for the Network, Fleet and Schedule Strategic Planning will be Dr. Peter Belobaba, Mr. Michael Wittman from MIT, and Alex Heiter and Bruce Tecklenburg from Boeing Team.
Main modules will be carried out by Dr. Belobaba and Mr. Wittman. Analysis and Case Study sections will be carried out by Mr. Heiter and Mr. Tecklenburg from Boeing Team.
Teaching Level
- This course is a course in a masters' degree.
- Students will have a basic knowledge of airline planning processes, fleet planning, route network design and scheduling but with some review to be provided, where necessary.
- Students should have a basic knowledge of the aviation industry and must have a work experience with an airline company.
Course Requirements
The graded course elements and the assigned weights are listed below (100 percent total):
- 30 percent - Three team assignments (during class week)
- 20 percent - Final Project
- 50 percent - Final Exam
Course Format
Course Textbook
- Belobaba, P., Odoni, A., and Barnhart, C., (eds.), The Global Airline Industry, John Wiley & Sons Publishers, 2009
Lecture Notes
- Main Lecture Notes are given below:
- Analysis Part Lecture Notes are given below:
Case Study
- Case Study Lecture Notes are given below:
Case Study |
Case Study - Part 1
Case Study - Part 2 |
- Case Study Worksheets are given below:
Case Study Worksheets |
Fleet Evaluation Sheet 1
Fleet Evaluation Sheet 2
Fleet Evaluation Sheet 3 |
Reading Materials
- Additional reading materials are given at the table.
Course Assignments
- Assignments are due at 10AM the day after they are assigned. No exceptions, no late work will be accepted.
- The assignments will be emailed to Dr. Belobaba or Mr. Wittman, whose email addresses are given in the assignments.
- Assignments will be graded using ITU's grading scale.
- Assignments are given at the tables below.
Assignments |
Assignment 1 |
Presentation version
Text version
Worksheet |
Assignment 2 |
Presentation version
Text version
Worksheet |
Assignment 3 |
Presentation version
Text version
Spill Table |
Final Project
- Final Project is given below:
