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M.Sc. In Air Transport Management Program  › Courses  › Airline Marketing (2015-2016)
Airline Marketing (2015-2016)
Course Instructors

Instructors for the Airline Marketing course are Dr. Keith Mason and Dr. Robert Mayer.

Course Schedule

You can reach the course schedule from this link.

Lecture Notes

Main Lecture Notes  
Module 01 Introduction to Marketing
Module 02 Consumer Behaviour
Module 03 Market Segmentation
Module 04 Segmentation Using Cluster Analysis
Module 05 Airline Schedules
Module 06 Pricing and Revenue Management
Module 07 Airline Branding
Module 08 Marketing of FSNC and LCCs
Module 09 Promotion and Marketing Communication
Module 10 Social Media and Viral Marketing
Module 11 Distribution IT and Mobile
Module 12 Loyalty

Workshop and Reading Materials

Workshop and Reading Materials  
  Cluster Analysis Workshop
  IFE WOrkshop
  Reduced Value of Loyalty Miles
  Travelers Road to Decision
  World's Most Valuable Airlines
  Airlines 50