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M.Sc. In Air Transport Management Program  › Courses  › Fundamentals of Airline Management (2015-2016)
Fundamentals of Airline Management (2015-2016)
Course Instructors

The course will be given by the instructors Dr. Fariba Alamdari, Bruce Tecklenburg and Alex Philip from Boeing, and Dr. Joanna Szydlo-Moore from Circculus Corporate Consulting. Their bio can be seen below:

Dr. Fariba Alamdari
Bruce Tecklenburg
Alex Philip
Dr. Joanna Szydlo-Moore

Course Information

General course information can be found from this link.

Course Requirements

The graded course elements and the assigned weights are listed below (100 per cent total):
  • 20 percent - Individual contribution to case discussion ("participation")
  • 30 percent - Case study report
  • 50 percent - Final Examination
Each component of a student's grade in this course will be assigned as a percentage grade (ranging from 0% to 100%). The final grade for the course will be calculated by multiplying each grade by the weight in the grading system described above.

Course letter grades will be assigned using the plus/minus system. As a guideline, students should target at least a performance level of 90 percent to earn A- or above, 80 percent to earn B- or above, and 70 percent to earn a C. The assignment of plus/minus within these general grade categories will be determined based on breaks in overall distribution of grades and the instructor's discretion.

The more you put into the course, the more you get out of it.

Course Schedule

Course schedule can be reached from this link.

Course Goals

Course goals can be seen from this link.

Lecture Notes

Lecture notes can be seen in the table below:

Main Lecture Notes  
  Business Environment
  Current Market
  Case Study Introduction
  Airline Strategies and Business Models
  Airline Economics
  Airplane Value Analysis
  Network and Fleet Scheduling
  Revenue Management
  Airplane Performance
  Monte Carlo Analysis Techniques Applied to Airplane Performance
  SWOT Analysis of Turkish Airlines

Case Study Materials

Case study materials can be reached from the links given in the table below:

Case Study Materials  
  Introduction for Case Study and Score Cards
  Case Study Overview
  Current Market Outlook

  Fleet Evaluation
  Network and Schedule Planning
  Regulatory & Environmental Affairs
  Sales and Marketing

Case Study Introductions can be seen below:

  Monday Introduction
  Tuesday Introduction
  Thursday Introduction 

Several types of data related to the case studies can be seen in the tables below:

Case Study Extra Materials  
  MonteCristoAir - Current Market Outlook
  Finance Senior Management Meeting Ratio Analysis
  Fleet Evaluation Airplane Characteristics - Current Fleet
  Operation Document Operating Stats
  Route Maps and Cities
  Finance Internal Document - Aircraft Pricing
  Fleet Composition
  Fleet Evaluation Airplane Characteristics - Single-Aisle Candidates
  Operations Department Flight Delays
  Finance email - Jet Fuel Prices
  Finance and Fleet Evaluation Department - Financial Report
  Fleet Evaluation Airplane Characteristics - Single-Aisle Candidates
  Air Traffic Services Planning
  Fleet Evaluation Airplane Characteristics - Twin-Aisle Candidates, Three-Class Interiors
  Payload - Range Capability
  Finance Department - Aircraft Finance Market
  Information for All - MTA Flight Timetable
  Airbus - Payload-Range Capability
  All departments - Previous Year Route Profitability Report
  Boeing - Payload-Range Capability
  Boeing - Payload-Range Capability
  Boeing - Payload-Range Capability
  Airbus - Payload-Range Capability
  Fleet Evaluation - Airplane Characteristics, Single Aisle Airplanes, Two-Class Interiors

Suggested Readings

In addition to lecture notes, the reference materials given below are suggested to the students.
  • Rigard Doganis, "Flying Off Course: The Economics of International Airlines"
  • Rigard Doganis, "The Airline Business"
  • Peter S. Morrell, "Airline Finance"
  • Peter S. Morrell, "Moving Boxes by Air"
  • Pat Hanlon, "Global Airlines"
  • Stephen Holloway, "Straight and Level: Practical Airline Economics"
  • Journal of Air Transport Management

Supplemental Materials

Additional materials can be seen in the table below:

Extra Materials  
  Presentation by Temel Kotil