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M.Sc. In Air Transport Management Program  › Courses  › Airport Planning and Management
Airport Planning and Management
Course Instructors

The course instructors include Prof.Dr. Amedeo Odoni, Prof.Dr. Mike Tretheway, and Dr. Joe Sulmoda.

Prof.Dr. Amedeo Odoni
Prof.Dr. Mike Tretheway
Dr. Joe Sulmona

Course Intent

Airports provide the major infrastructure used in the provisions of commercial airline services. Globally, there are us$300 billion invested in airport infrastructure, compared with $550b invested by airlines and aircraft lessors. The facilities at an airport determine what types of aircraft an airline can operate. Airports are usually the largest single pieces of real estate in their urban region and they have many impacts on their communities. Thus airport planning is important not only for the airport, but also for their airline customers and their communities. Airlines must do business with the airport operating company at each station that it services. For Turkish Airlines, that means that in addition to its global hub at Istanbul Ataturk Airport, it will have business relationships with 260 other airports. While in the past, airports were thought of as government public utilities, today all airports are operated as businesses, with an increasing number of these businesses being private sector companies. This course is intended to give aviation managers an understanding of the airport business, how airports operate and key aspects of airport planning.

Course Format

This course is taught over 6 consecutive days, each with 7 hour glasses.
Modules will have 15 minutes breaks.

Course language will be English.

Teaching level:
  • This course is a course in masters' degree.
  • Students are assumed to have basic knowledge of the aviation industry and most have experience with an airline, airport and other aviation related business.
  • The course will be taken after completion of the core of the Master's program.
Course Evaluation

Students will be marked on a combination of an exam, a project and class participation.

Course Information

Information about the course can be accessed via this link.

Course Textbooks

These are the textbooks for the Airport Management course.
  • de Neufville, R. and A. Odoni (2013) Airport Systems: Planning, Design and Management, 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill Education.
  • Graham, Anne (2014) Managing Airports: An International Perspective, 4th Edition, Routledge Publishers.
  • ACRP – Airport Cooperative Research Program (2007) Innovative Finance and Alternative Sources of Revenue for Airports, Washington, DC.
  • ACRP – Airport Cooperative Research Program Airport Passenger Terminal Planning and Design, Report 25, vol. 1. & vol. 2.
Course Outline

Outline for the Airport Planning and Management course can be accessed via this link.

Lecture Notes

Lecture notes for the course can be seen in the table below:

Lecture Notes  
Module 01 Introduction to the Airport Business
Module 02 The Airline-Airport Relationship
Module 03 Regulation of Airports
Module 04 Airport Marketing and Revenue Development
Module 05 Airport Governance and Privatisation
Module 06 Operational Planning
Module 07 Smart Security and Facilitation
Module 08 Financing Airport Development
Module 09-10 Commercial Development
Module 11 The Master Plan Processes
Module 12 Capacity Management, Congestion and Demand Management
Module 13 Ground Access
Module 14 Environmental Planning

Course Readings

Course readings can be seen in the table below:

Course Readings  
Module 01 Introduction
Module 01 Selected passages from Airport Systems book
Module 01 Airports and their role in the value chain
Module 01 Selected passages from the Airport Business book
Module 02 The Airport-Airline Relationship
Module 02 Passage on airline-airport use agreements and slot management
Module 02 Airport use agreement for signatory airline
Module 02 Airport use agreement for non-signatory airline
Module 03 Economic Regulatory Environment
Module 03 Selected passages from The ACI guide to Economic Regulation
Module 04 The Role of Airport Marketing
Module 04 The ASD Process
Module 05 The changing nature of airports
Module 05 Airport economics and performance benchmarks
Module 06 Excerpts from Airline Operations
Module 07 Facilitation and Airport Services
Module 08 Organisation and Financing
Module 08 User charges
Module 08 Innovative finance and alternative sources of revenue for airports
Module 09 The provision of commercial facilitates
Module 11 The process of preparing Master Plan Studies
Module 12 Airfield capacity
Airfield capacity
Module 12 Airfield delay
Module 12 Demand Management
Module 12 Detailed design of passenger buildings
Module 12 Airport passenger terminal planning vol 1
Airport passenger terminal planning vol 2
Module 13 Ground access and distribution Part 1
Ground access and distribution Part 2
Module 14 Airports and the Environment

Supplemental Materials

Various extra materials used in the lecture can be seen below:

Supplemental Materials  
  List of Abbreviations
  The Infrastructure Challenge