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M.Sc. In Air Transport Management Program  › Courses  › Fundamentals of Airline Management (Fall 2014-2015)
Fundamentals of Airline Management (Fall 2014-2015)
Course Instructors

The course will be given by the instructors from Boeing Team. Their names can be seen below:

Mrs. Debra Santos
Mr. James McBride
Mr. Bruce Tecklenburg
Mr. Tom Creighton
Mr. Shahab Matin
Mr. David Rynes

Course Information

General course information can be found in this link.

Course Requirements

The graded course elements and the assigned weights are listed below (100 percent total):
  • 20 percent — Individual contribution to case discussion (“participation”)
  • 30 percent — Case study report
  • 50 percent — Final Examination
Each component of a student’s grade in this course will be assigned as a percentage grade (ranging from 0% to 100%). The final grade for the course will be calculated by multiplying each grade by the weight in the grading system described above.

Course letter grades will be assigned using the plus/minus system. As a guideline, students should target at least a performance level of 90 percent to earn an A- or above, 80 percent to earn a B- or above, and 70 percent to earn a C. The assignment of plus/minus within these general grade categories will be determined based on breaks in the overall distribution of grades and the instructor’s discretion.

The more you put into the course, the more you get out of it.

Course Schedule

Course Schedule can be seen from this link.

Course Goals

Course Goals can be seen from this link.

Content, Organization & Delivery

The major theme in this course, Fundamentals of Airline Management, is woven throughout the following eleven half-day modules:
  • Current Market Outlook
  • Airline Strategies & Business Models
  • Airplane Finance
  • Airplane Performance
  • Airline Economics
  • Network & Fleet Planning
  • Revenue Management
  • Airplane Value Analysis
Students will apply lecture material to analyze several two real case scenarios. It is paramount that each and every student be thoroughly prepared for every class session.

Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes can be seen in the table below:

Main Lecture Notes  
  Current Business Environment
  Current Market Outlook
  MonteCristoAir Case Study Introduction
  Airline Strategies and Business Models
  Financial Analysis for MonteCristo Air
  Airline Economics
  Airplane Value Analysis
  Network and Fleet Planning
  Airplane Performance
  Monte Carlo Analysis Techniques Applied to Airplane Performance
  SWOT Analysis

Other Materials

In addition to the lecture slides, these reference materials are suggested to the students.
  • Rigard Doganis, "Flying Off Course: The Economics of International Airlines"
  • Rigard Doganis, "The Airline Business"
  • Peter S. Morrell, "Airline Finance"
  • Peter S. Morrell, "Moving Boxes by Air"
  • Pat Hanlon, "Global Airlines"
  • Stephen Holloway, "Straight and Level: Practical Airline Economics"
  • Journal of Air Transport Management

Fleet Case Study

Case preparation and the activities that are antecedent to effective case analysis (including theory and lecture notes studying) will be important. These activities include, but are not limited to, reviewing previous course materials. The basic theoretical underpinnings of the various topics covered are a prerequisite to intelligent analysis and problem solving.

One case analysis is required from each study group (5-6 team members).

The length of the reports is constrained to a maximum of 20 pages (typed and double-spaced). Students may attach as many exhibits (e.g. clearly labeled and referenced spreadsheets, tables, graphs, and supporting calculations) as they see appropriate.

Much of the case study assignments involve open discussion of the issues. Students should be ready to be challenged to defend their point of view and articulate their position. Students are encouraged to take risks and actively participate in class discussion.

Case Study Materials

At each table, different materials for each case study can be seen.

Case Study Review

Monte Cristo Air Case Study Review

Case Study Process and ScoreCard  
  APS Case Study Table of Contents
  APS Case Study Process
  APS Case Study Presentation Scorecard

Information for All  
CMO with Air Cargo Current Market Outlook
  Route Map and Cities
  Fleet Composition
Finance Overview Financial Report
Network & Fleet Planning Flight Timetable
Airline Strategies & Business Models Route Profitability

  Finance Department Primer
Finance Overview Ratio Analysis
Airline Economics Aircraft Pricing
Airline Economics Jet Fuel Prices
Airline Economics Aircraft Finance Market

Fleet Evaluation  
  Fleet Evaluation Department Primer
Airplane Performance Airplane Characteristics: Current Fleet, Single Aisle Part 1
  Single Aisle Part 2, Twin Aisle
Airplane Performance PLT 737 classic; PLT A321 classic; PLT 737 newgen
  PLT A321 newgen; PLT 767; PLT A330
Value Analysis Operation Costs
Airplane Performance New International Destination Opportunities
Value Analysis Value Analysis

Network and Schedule Planning  
  Network and Scheduling Department Primer
Airline Business Models New Competition Summary
Airline Economics Mixed Fleet Flying versus Commonality
Network & Fleet Planning Best Hub Structure

  Operations Department Primer
All Modules Operating Statistics
Airline Economics Flight Delays
Airline Economics; Environment Air Traffic Services Planning

Regulatory and Environmental Affairs  
  R&E Affairs Department Primer
Airline Business Models Defining Our Strategy and Business Model
Airline Economics; Environment Partnering Strategy

Sales and Marketing  
  Sales and Marketing Department Primer
Airline Business Models Lower Hold Freight Opportunity
Airline Economics; Environment Flights to the Caribbean to use Biofuels
Network & Fleet Planning Passenger Survey Results
  Aviation's Most Efficient Fleet AD

  ImationLOCK Manual

Additional Materials

Extra materials can be seen in the table below:

Additional Materials  
  Route Map and Cities
  Fleet Composition
  Flight Timetable
  Route Profitability
  Single Aisle Airplane Characteristics
  Twin Aisle Airplane Characteristics

Final Project

Project is due to 6th of February by 17:00, no extensions or excuses. It can be seen from this link.