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M.Sc. In Air Transport Management Program  › Courses  › Airline Business Models and Strategic Management
Airline Business Models and Strategic Management
Course Instructors

The course instructors include Dr. Keith Mason, Dr. John Frankie O'Connell, Mr. Paul Hughes, and Mrs. Karen Valverde. Dr. Keith Mason and Dr. John Frankie O'Connell have responsibility for the entire course. Their bio can be seen in the links below:

Dr. Keith Mason
Dr. John Frankie O'Connell
Mr. Paul Hughes
Mrs. Karen Valverde

Course Intent

To provide students with an opportunity to develop their critical reasoning and analytical skills, to enhance their ability to work effectively within a group and make effective executive level presentations within an airline business gaming environment.

Course Timetable

Course timetable can be seen from this link.

Course Format

42 hours of instruction

6 days, each with two 3.5 hour units
6 modules in total

Teaching level
  • This course is a course in master's degree.
  • Students will have basic knowledge of core business concepts in strategic management, competition in aviation industry, ancillary revenues, but with some review to be provided, where necessary.
  • Students should have a basic knowledge of the aviation industry and must have a work experience with an airline company.
The course will be lecture based.

Course Syllabus/Curriculum

  • Overview of strategic management tools
  • Undertaking a complex airline business simulation game in an intensive gaming period
  • Competitor analysis
  • Understanding group dynamics for effective group working
  • Effective executive level communication
Module Details can be accessed from this link.

Course Assessment

In class - Group Presentations: Overall 50%

  • Group Presentations from ARCS and Zodiac Air: Overall 25%
  • Group Presentation from airline strategic management exercise (F. O'Connell): Overall 25%
Individual Exam
  • 2 hour exam with multiple choice and short answer questions combining material from both parts of the module: Overall 50%
Each component of a student's grade in this course will be assigned as a percentage grade (ranging from 0% to 100%). The final grade for the course will be calculated by multiplying each grade by the weight in the grading system described above.

Course letter grades will be assigned using the plus/minus system. As a guideline, students should target at least a performance level of 90 percent to earn an A- or above, 80 percent to earn a B- or above, and 70 percent to earn a C. The assignment of plus/minus within these general grade categories will be determined based on breaks in the overall distribution of grades and the instructor's discretion.

The more you put into the course, the more you get out of it.

Lecture Notes

Lecture notes can be seen in the table below:

Main Lecture Notes  
Module 00 Airline Route Competition Simulation
The Airline Competition Simulation (ACS) Game
Module 01 Trending LCC Business Models in the Airline Industry 
Module 02 Core Concepts of Strategic Airline Management
Module 03 Performing Strategic Analysis
Module 04 Strategies Used to Respond to Competition
Module 05 Ancillary Revenues

Course Readings

Course readings for Module 01 & Module 02 can be seen below:
  • O'Connell, J.F., and Williams, G. (2011). Air Transport in 21st Century, Ashgate Publishing
  • Johnson, G., Whittington, R., Scholes, K., Angwin, A., Regnér, P. (2013). Exploring Strategy Text & Cases, 10th Edition, Pearson Publishing
  • Flouris, T., and Oswald, S. (2006). Designing and Executing Strategy in Aviation Management, Ashgate Publishing
Course readings for Module 03 & Module 04 can be seen below:
  • O'Connell, J.F., and Williams, G. (2011). Air Transport in 21st Century, Ashgate Publishing
  • Johnson, G., Whittington, R., Scholes, K., Angwin, A., Regnér, P. (2013). Exploring Strategy Text & Cases, 10th Edition, Pearson Publishing
  • Doganis, R. (2010). Flying off course: Airline Economics and Marketing, 4th Edition, Routledge, London
Course readings for Module 05 can be seen below:
  • O’Connell, J.F. and Warnock-Smith, D. (2013). An investigation into traveler preferences and acceptance levels of airline ancillary revenues, Journal of Air Transport Management, Volume 33, pages 12 -21.

Supplemental Material

Supplemental Materials can be seen at the table below:

Supplemental Material  

Practical Assignment for Airline Strategic Management
  Logistics for the Examination of the Airline Strategic Management Course
  An investigation into traveler preferences and acceptance levels of airline ancillary revenues
  The transformation of legacy carrier - A case study of Turkish Airlines

  Introduction and Scenario One Briefing
  Scenario One Review and Scenario Two Briefing
  Scenario Two Questions
  Scenario Two Review and Scenario Three Briefing
  Scenario Three Questions

Strategic Tools Fact Sheets  
  Boston Consulting Group Matrix
  Correlation and Regression Analysis
  Force Field Analysis
  Pareto Analysis
  Root Cause Analysis
  Six Thinking Hats
  Value Chain Analysis
  Social Styles

Model Answers  
  Qantas will be saved by government
  Scenario One Model Answer
  Scenario Two Model Answer
  Scenario Three and Overall Model Answer

Scenario One Model Answer E-mail Note
  Scenario Two Model Answer E-mail Note