Airport Management |
Course Description
This course focuses on the fundamental concepts of airport management subject. The topics covered in this course include the organization and management of airport systems, service quality and security, airport economics, cost and revenue structures, social, economic and politic aspects of airports, airport’s relationship with environment, relationship between airport management and air traffic, cash flow analysis, decision and options analysis, flow and queue at airports, and peak-time analysis.
In addition to these topics, special attention will be given to the airports in the United States and in the developing World. Airport management Turkey and its status in the World will be covered. Lastly, new tendencies in airport management and future management topics will be investigated.
Course Objectives
- Economic and logistical problems of the airport management,
- The ways to overcome the obstacles in airport management by looking at the examples of the world.
Course Outcomes
- The ability to provide better solutions to the organizational and management sider of airports,
- Ability to analyze cost and revenue flow at airports, ability to make decision and options analysis,
- Ability to interrelate airport management with air traffic,
- Ability to analyze logistic subjects of airports, to provide solutions to these problems,
- Better understanding of the management of airports at several countries.
Course Plan
- Introduction to airports and airport systems, History of the airport management, Future of the airport management, differences between international airports
- Organization and administration of airports and airport systems
- Service quality, security, and other operational issues
- Airport economics, cost and revenue structures
- The economic, political, and social role of airports, Environmental impacts of airports
- The airfield, Airspace and air traffic management, Airport-Airline relationship, Airfield design, airfield capacity
- Dynamic strategic planning, Privatization
- Cost and revenue structure, pricing policies, pricing strategies
- Cash flow analysis
- Decision and options analysis, flows and queues at airports, peak-hour analysis
- Passenger buildings, configuration, and overall design, airport terminals and ground access
- Airports in the United States, Airports in the Developing World
- Airports in Turkey
- The future of airport management