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M.Sc. In Air Transport Management Program  › Courses  › Advanced Information Systems for Air Transportation
Advanced Information Systems for Air Transportation
Course Description

Throughout this course, information systems and management specific to airlines will be considered. Topics include:  Aviation operational information; The evolution of Information Systems: A Management perspective; Structure of information in the future; Standard aviation information; Structure of Aviation Operational Information: Operator document systems; Flight operations information interchange; Management of Aviation Operational Information; Structured information for the cockpit; Strategic uses of Information Systems; Establishing a shared information management scheme; Display of electronic Information; Managing information system resources: information and technology; Airline Information Security Management; System Wide Information Management: Future ATM Information Networks; Future of aviation operational information

Course Objectives

  1. Introducing a variety of systems about aviation and airline operations.
  2. Giving recent applications of the information systems within the airline industry and management.
  3. Reviewing evolution and future trends of the information system technologies and market considering management perspective.

Course Outcomes

  1. Understanding financial and maintaining management perspective of the airline information systems, and its evolution,
  2. Management and utilization of the information systems for every phases of the flight operations,
  3. Implementing secure information sharing in a small-scaled and large-scaled network systems,
  4. Strategic management of the information system resources.

Course Plan

  1. Aviation operational information
  2. The evolution of Information Systems: A Management perspective; Structure of information in the future
  3. Standard aviation information
  4. Structure of Aviation Operational Information: Operator document systems
  5. Flight operations information interchange
  6. Management of Aviation Operational Information
  7. Structured information for the cockpit
  8. Strategic uses of Information Systems
  9. Establishing a shared information management scheme
  10. Display of electronic Information
  11. Managing information system resources: information and technology
  12. Airline Information Security Management
  13. System Wide Information Management: Future ATM Information Networks
  14. Future of aviation operational information