Advanced Information Systems for Air Transportation |
Course Description
Throughout this course, information systems and management specific to airlines will be considered. Topics include: Aviation operational information; The evolution of Information Systems: A Management perspective; Structure of information in the future; Standard aviation information; Structure of Aviation Operational Information: Operator document systems; Flight operations information interchange; Management of Aviation Operational Information; Structured information for the cockpit; Strategic uses of Information Systems; Establishing a shared information management scheme; Display of electronic Information; Managing information system resources: information and technology; Airline Information Security Management; System Wide Information Management: Future ATM Information Networks; Future of aviation operational information
Course Objectives
- Introducing a variety of systems about aviation and airline operations.
- Giving recent applications of the information systems within the airline industry and management.
- Reviewing evolution and future trends of the information system technologies and market considering management perspective.
Course Outcomes
- Understanding financial and maintaining management perspective of the airline information systems, and its evolution,
- Management and utilization of the information systems for every phases of the flight operations,
- Implementing secure information sharing in a small-scaled and large-scaled network systems,
- Strategic management of the information system resources.
Course Plan
- Aviation operational information
- The evolution of Information Systems: A Management perspective; Structure of information in the future
- Standard aviation information
- Structure of Aviation Operational Information: Operator document systems
- Flight operations information interchange
- Management of Aviation Operational Information
- Structured information for the cockpit
- Strategic uses of Information Systems
- Establishing a shared information management scheme
- Display of electronic Information
- Managing information system resources: information and technology
- Airline Information Security Management
- System Wide Information Management: Future ATM Information Networks
- Future of aviation operational information
