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M.Sc. In Air Transport Management Program  › Courses  › Fundamentals of Airline Management
Fundamentals of Airline Management

Dr. Fariba Alamdari
Dr. Joanna Szydlo-Moore
Bart Shilvock
James McBride
Alex Philip
Alex Heiter
David Rynes
Tom Creighton

Content, Organization & Delivery

The major theme in this course, Fundamentals of Airline Management, is woven throughout the following nine half-day modules.
  • Current Business Environment
  • Current Market Outlook
  • Airline Strategies & Business Models
  • Airplane Finance
  • Airline Economics
  • Network & Fleet Planning
  • Airline Performance
  • Revenue Management
  • Airplane Value Analysis
Students will apply lecture materials to analyze several two real case situations. It is paramount that each and every student be thoroughly prepared for every class session.

Course Requirements

The graded course elements and the assigned weights are listed below (100 percent total):
  • 20 percent - Individual contribution to case discussion ("participation")
  • 30 percent - Case study report
  • 50 percent - Final Examination
Each component of a student's grade in this course will be assigned as a percentage grade (ranging from 0% to 100%). The final grade for the course will be calculated by multiplying each grade by the weight in the grading system described above.

Course letter grades will be assigned using the plus/minus system. As a guideline, students should target at least a performance level of 90 percent to earn an A- or above, 80 percent to earn a B- or above, and 70 percent to earn a C. The assignment of plus/minus within these general grade categories will be determine based on breaks in the overall distribution of grades and the instructor's discretion.

The more you put into the course, the more you get out of it.

Introductory Presentations
Turkish Airlines Presentation  

Course Syllabus
Fundamentals of Airline Management Syllabus

Lecture Notes
Lecture 1 01 Current Business Environment
Lecture 2 02 Long-term Market Outlook
Lecture 3 03 Airline Strategies and Business Models
Lecture 4 04 Finance
Lecture 5 05 Airline Economics
Lecture 6 06 Network and Fleet Planning
Lecture 7 07 Airplane Performance
07 B MC Mission Simulation
07 APS Airline Economics Istanbul
Lecture 8 08 Revenue Management
Lecture 9 09 Airplane Value Analysis
Lecture 10 10 SWOT Analysis

APS Economics Class Handout  
Value Handout for APS  
Value exercise - calculate NPV  

Case Study  
MonteCristoAir Case Study
Turkish Airlines Case Study
Turkish Airlines Case Study ppt
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Course Evaluation  
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Project Assignments   

Course Evaluation  
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Course Evaluation  
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